The presentation ceremony of the book SAMPLE OF HEROISM was held

The presentation ceremony of the book SAMPLE OF HEROISM was held
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On July 5, a presentation ceremony of Simuzar Agakishiyeva's biographical book "Example of Heroism" was held at the Nizami Cinema Center under the organization of the Azerbaijan Visually Impaired Society.

The book was prepared within the framework of the project "Example of Heroism" of the Society of Visually Impaired People of Azerbaijan. The author and head of the project is Reyhan Jafarova, vice president of the Society of Visually Impaired People of Azerbaijan. The project was financed by the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In order to ensure the continuity of the project, a series of events are organized with the internal capabilities of the Azerbaijan Visually Impaired Society.

Speaking at the event, Samyar Abdullayev, chairman of the Public Union of the Visually Impaired Society, Kamran Bakhshizade, a veteran of the Patriotic War, Parvin Gasimova, who lost her eyesight as a result of the explosion of a shell fired in Ganja in October 2020, Jalil Khalilov, deputy chairman of the Organization of War, Labor and Armed Forces Veterans, honored artist. Ulviyya Hamzayeva, press secretary of the Karabakh Veterans Union, Ray Karimoglu and others noted that the short-term documentary biographical book contains detailed information about the life, battle path and injuries of each of the heroes who fought heroically in the 44-day war of justice and sacrificed their health for the freedom of the Motherland. given. The portrait of defenders of the Motherland, belonging to different age categories, with different life paths, but fighting for one action, one goal, comes alive before the eyes of everyone who reads the book. The reader seems to be talking to these heroes, hearing their life and battle stories, their feelings and emotions, the scenes of their struggle for the liberation of our land from enemy occupation, from their own language.

The book was published in audio format and in Braille font in order to ensure the free reading of visually impaired people.

The books prepared within the framework of the project were handed over to the participants of the event, Braille and audio versions of the books were handed over to the veterans and the Republican Library for the Visually Impaired.

It should be noted that the Public Union of the Visually Impaired Society started the "Example of Heroism" project with the financial assistance of the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan from February 1 this year. The main goal of the project is to introduce to the public the people who lost their sight during the battles for the territorial integrity of our country and to convey their heroism as an example to the younger generation. Filming of short films about the heroes of the book "Example of Heroism" has been started with the initiative and internal capabilities of the society. A short presentation reel of films was prepared and presented at the event.

