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On December 1, 2022, the Public Union "Social support for people in need of care" completed the project "Business is managed by logic, not by eyes" with the financial assistance of the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
          The mentioned project was implemented within 3 months. Within the framework of the project, social support for people in need of care, in cooperation with the Society of Visually Impaired People of Azerbaijan, IB organized business building training for visually impaired teenagers and young people. The trainings were held at "Boarding school No. 5 for children with limited health opportunities" and the Azerbaijan Visually Impaired Society.
During the project, 10 teenagers and young people were trained on the construction and management of an online website. During the training, teenagers and young people with visual disabilities were given theoretical and practical information about possible professions for building and managing a small business through social networks. At the same time, the persons involved in the training were taught ways to obtain financial resources by joining the "Self-Employment" program of the State Employment Agency for the development of their chosen profession.
The presentation of the project was held on the eve of the International Day of Disabled Persons on December 03, that is, on December 02, 2022, by organizing a march called "Trust Walk" in Dede Gorgud Park together with ADA University and Azerbaijan Visually Impaired Society. The purpose of the march was to convey to the public that visually impaired people have equal opportunities and abilities and to call everyone to protect their eyesight.