"Organization of a New Year's celebration for disabled persons under the age of 18" project

"Organization of a New Year's celebration for disabled persons under the age of 18" project
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On December 30, 2022, at the Zodiak restaurant of the Point Hotel, "Persons diagnosed with disabilities under the age of 18" jointly implemented by the Public Union of Social Support to Persons in Need of Care and the Azerbaijan Visually Handicapped Society by order of the Social Services Agency under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Azerbaijan A holiday party was held for children with visual disabilities within the framework of the "Organization of New Year's party" project.

At the holiday party, a festive table was opened for visually impaired children under 18 years of age, a show and concert program, various quizzes (show games) were organized. On the holiday, the talented children with visual disabilities made the holiday celebration more interesting with their colorful performances and performances. Holiday gifts were presented to the children who participated in the event.

Employees of the Social Services Agency under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, well-known singers, actors and media representatives took part in the event.
